Texas Baptists Interim Church Services and the Intentional Interim Ministry (IIM) network named Dr. H. Lynn Eckeberger the 2023 Interim Pastor of the Year.
The Baptist Student Ministry has been reaching students on UTMB’s campus since the 1950s, and we continue to be a safe place for students to be supported, cared for and encouraged spiritually.
Go Now Missions, a ministry of Texas Baptists that mobilizes university students to share the love of Christ around the world, has appointed 100 student missionaries to serve and share the gospel during Christmas break.
Offerings generously given by BOUNCE student missionaries have gone to adopt three Missionary Adoption Program (MAP) missionaries in Uganda and Spain for three years.
“Sometimes you just have to stop and think about a situation that is stressful and learn how to laugh. It’s so much more helpful than getting bitter or angry.”
“Conclave is unique because there is no other conference that we offer where you can get this kind of training for children’s, college, youth, parent and all NextGen ministries in one place.”
"The financial resources provided by GuideStone are geared specifically for the unique financial challenges and opportunities ministers face,"
“All of it is a lot of fun. Just building connections with people…and watching people bond over video games and rally around a good cause together.”