Weekly Update

This is what we are about

Jun 26, 2024

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. (1 Peter 3:15-16, NIV)

One of my favorite things about summer in the years I served as pastor was the number of people I saw born into the family of God. I often referred to the summer as harvest time. Much of the praying, giving, teaching and serving came to fruition during this time of the year.

Last week, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit week one of our Super Summer event held on the campus of Dallas Baptist University. Super Summer is a ministry led by our evangelism team to help students know and share the gospel.

We visited an evening worship service expecting to participate in lively worship music and hear an encouraging gospel message. And we did. About 450 students and leaders sang praises enthusiastically at the top of their lungs. Dr. David Sanchez shared how students can be the light in the darkness by earning the right to share the gospel with the way they live and treat others.

The whole experience was moving as we watched this young generation be excited about owning and sharing their faith. 

What I was not expecting to hear was a testimony from a young attendee. She told the gathered students how she had shared her faith with two other students earlier and how she led them to trust Christ as Savior and Lord. The group roared in celebration.

After this moving testimony, another student invited his peers to imagine the multitude in Revelation 7:9 and being the generation that helps to lead every people group to be represented at the end of the age.

As I sat there, I was reminded this is what we are about. We are a people focused on making disciples of all nations as we love God and love people. I thanked God that this group of students answered the call and committed their week to be equipped for the task at hand. This week, another group of students is doing the same.

What a blessing it is to be part of the Texas Baptists family that is investing in student evangelism, campus ministry, Christian higher education and theological preparation. The largest portion of our resources is invested in ministering to and preparing the next generation for the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

The Apostle Peter exhorted the early church to be ready to give a reason for the hope that they possessed, but to do it with gentleness and respect. And just as importantly, to make sure that the way they lived matched the faith they professed.

Join me in praying for a consistent witness from our Texas Baptists churches, where the way we live and serve points to Christ. Join me in praying for the next generation of disciplemakers. Join me in praying that this summer, people continue to join the family of God and that new believers join the Great Commission movement. Join me in praying for our training and equipping initiatives.

Thank you for your partnership! We are better together!

Dr. Guarneri is the 21st executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. He holds degrees from Texas A&M University Kingsville, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Baptist University. He has more than 39 years of ministerial experience and is passionate about sharing the Gospel with the nations and cross-cultural missions and ministry.