Leadership Texas Baptists engages, equips, and informs emerging leaders from churches across the state. Pastors, staff, and lay leaders commit to a nine-month cohort experience to hear from and dialogue with Texas leaders.

David Adams
Director, Discipleship

(214) 828-5253


Applications are now open through October 15, 2024.


Apply now


Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Emerging leaders ages 20s – 30s preferable
  • Active member of a BGCT affiliated church
  • January seminar day required; Commit to attending 7 of the 8 remaining seminars

Cohort 5

Curriculum Topics

  • Leadership development
  • Critical issues for Texas Baptists in the 21st century
  • Developing purpose and mission
  • Baptist collaboration
  • Ministry in a multi-cultural context
  • Effective networking
  • The changing face of Texas
  • Values & vision for the Texas Baptists family

Cohort 4

Alumni Cohort Testimonials

"In a world that says young people are stepping away from the church, Leadership Texas Baptists is here to say that our young leaders are a countercurrent. Our young leaders are turning that trend around."

-Fernando Rojas, Cohort 4 Member

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Cohort 3

“The Cohort recharged me in ministry, helped me grow in my leadership, and gave me lifelong friends.”

-Lezah Maitland, Cohort 4 Member

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Cohort 2

“This program opened my eyes to so many other Baptists who are serving within their own contexts – female leaders, African American leaders, pastors, children’s ministers, those who are just starting their college journey and those working on a doctorate.”

-Fernando Rojas, Cohort 4 Member

Cohort 1

“[the program] broadened my view of the work we do at Texas Baptists....the more leaders I was introduced to, the more I was able to see the bigger picture and how that played a part in my church.”

-Lynn Harper, Cohort 1 Member