Articles by Texas Baptists Communications

31 - 40 of 147 articles

In Texas as it is in heaven: BGCT Executive Board considers wide-ranging business ahead of Family Gathering

by Texas Baptists Communications on May 24, 2023 in News

“It’s time for us to focus on our mission here in Texas, and it’s time for us to rethink our worldwide strategy, so that we can be the people of God,”

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2023 Texas Baptists Legacy Awards honor Dorso Maciel and Dick Maples

by Texas Baptists Communications on May 9, 2023 in News

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Congreso sends students out to “Illuminate” communities for Christ

by Texas Baptists Communications on April 20, 2023 in News

93 students became believers in Christ Easter weekend at Congreso, one of the largest Hispanic youth evangelism conferences in the U.S.

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Seven weeks of prayer calls for Texas Baptists churches to join together in prayer, asking for spiritual renewal and revival

by Texas Baptists Communications on April 10, 2023 in News

As part of the Texas Baptists family, you are invited to join us as we seek to pray the Lord’s Prayer over every aspect of Texas Baptists work as we expect God’s Kingdom to be established and to advance so God is glorified and His purposes fulfilled.

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Search committee reopens Executive Director nomination opportunity

by Texas Baptists Communications on April 6, 2023 in News

“It has been a true delight to experience the Spirit-led cohesion among every search committee member. Each shares the common goal of following the Lord’s leadership.”

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Executive Board elects new search committee chair, fills vacancy

by Texas Baptists Communications on March 21, 2023 in News

The Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) Executive Board has elected Wendell Wright to serve as new chair of the Executive Director Search Committee.

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Mahfouz steps down as search committee chair

by Texas Baptists Communications on March 3, 2023 in News

David Mahfouz, pastor of First Baptist Church in Warren, has stepped down from his position as chair of the BGCT’s Executive Director Search Committee.

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February Executive Board sees Guarneri call for seven weeks of prayer

by Texas Baptists Communications on February 21, 2023 in News

Stating that the upcoming Family Gathering July 16-18 in McAllen, Texas, is an opportunity to practice Pentecost by joining in worship together and celebrating the diversity of Texas Baptists, Guarneri called on Texas Baptists to spend seven weeks in prayer from Easter to Pentecost, praying for God’s mission in Texas.

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Texas Baptists Hunger Offering joins Baptist World Alliance to raise funds for relief efforts in Turkey and Syria

by Texas Baptists Communications on February 17, 2023 in News

The death toll from the powerful 7.8 earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on Feb. 6, 2023 has risen to more than 38,000, with more fatalities expected as search teams continue to work amid the devastation.

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Hardin-Simmons University honored at Institutional Legacy Day

by Texas Baptists Communications on February 8, 2023 in News

Texas Baptists Institutional Legacy Day recognized Hardin-Simmons University for over 130 years of exemplary Christian higher education.

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