TXB Spotlight with Rick Willis

by Texas Baptists Communications on May 3, 2022 in TXB Spotlight

Rick Willis is pastor of First Baptist Church, Lampasas. Below he shares about his call to ministry, the way God is currently at work in his congregation and how you can be praying!

Q: When and how did God call you to be a pastor?

A: My call to vocational ministry began while I was in high school, and it took a few turns before 1988 when I surrendered to be a pastor if the Lord insisted. That happened as I was beginning my doctoral studies. I still thought that I would eventually teach in one of our Texas Baptists universities, but the Lord convinced me to serve as full-time pastor at First Baptist Church, Roscoe right after I finished my degree in 1995. There God gave me a heart for being a pastor, and I have been one since. (My wonderful wife, D'Anne, swore she would never marry a pastor, so I'm thankful that calling came later.)

Q: What is one exciting thing God is doing in and through your church right now?

A: Now I serve with FBC Lampasas. Like all of our churches in this hour, we look forward to discovering how best to fit into the future that the Lord is unfolding where we live. This January, our church adopted the goal of baptizing six new followers of Jesus in 2022 after seeing only one baptism last year. We are excited that God has confirmed our goal by giving us four baptisms already by the end of February!

Q: How can people pray for your church?

A: Pray for our church to become one where newcomers walk in and wonder, "Who's the actual pastor around here?" because every member ministers.

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